Quick Corrupt Entity Take-Down Checklist:


1. Get an 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper or open a document on your computer. Name the document and save it in two locations.

2. On the document. Write a paragraph about who you think is doing the bad thing and what the bad thing is.

3. Enter all of the names and phrases from your first paragraph in 4 different online search engines, ie: www.startpage.com, www.ask.com, www.duckduckgo.com, www.bing.com; write down, or save all of the interesting hits you get.

4. Think about the connections that you are seeing. Decide if it confirms your theory or invalidates it.

5. Refine your list of keywords and tags to those that would appear to be the most valuable.

6. Now run your EXPERT DATABASE detail searches from your sources at this link.

7. Write up your conclusions (This is your Case File) and send them off to all applicable law enforcement groups, reporters and citizens groups. Post your report on websites.

8. Email the top 20 groups that you sent your Case File to, one week later, to see if they got it and ask them what they will be doing to follow-up on it.

In 75% of the cases, this will solve the problem.

If you want to make it 100%.. Go to ADVANCED CASE RESEARCH